Understanding what it takes to design a character or make video games goes beyond just the concept designs. Which is why I made a project that was done completely by me. 
Initial Sketch I liked
Initial Sketch I liked
More refined version
More refined version
Illustration meant to capture the feel and design
Illustration meant to capture the feel and design
Rendered illustration
Rendered illustration
Concept page for making the design more readable
Concept page for making the design more readable
My concept phase goes from studies of the characters and trying to understand not just the mechanics but the emotion put into the design of the characters. Darth Vader carries a commanding and large presence, but also uses the force, so I wanted to give him something that could allow him to emulate the force while piloting this mech but also leaving a free hand for lightsaber swinging.
Created the 3D model in Zbrush. Each part individually created so that any edits down the line could be tweaked and changed. Also insured the mechanics would work.
Rigged and Animated in Blender
Movement Blending
Movement Blending
Fighting System that can randomize combos
Fighting System that can randomize combos
All of this culminates into a playable character in Unreal Engine!
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